How Easy is It to Fry a Motherboard

  • #2

What you are asking to do is unethical. Someone helping you do this act is guilty by association.

Consider; you got what you paid for @ the time. A budget pc for around 1000 bucks. You could have done worse. Know you know better.

I think you'd be better off selling your e-machine & building a new rig from scratch.

  • #3

I think you ought to check out some of the great systems that the guys have here and put one together. If you want some one to do it for you then check out the sponsors on the 3ds home page for tested bundled motherboards and order your tested system from them.

As for your old computer. If you itemize deductions on your taxes you can donate the computer to your favorite charity and take the deduction. If you don't itemize then you can sell the computer. Then mabe you can donate the sales and turn a bad into a good. Just a thought as I'm feeling there is a little excess hate going round these days.

Dell Inspiron 8100
1.2G, 512Mb ram

p.s. incase you build your own system :,12880,2842650,,00.html

  • #5

consider it the cost of learning, you didn't know better then.
but now you have access to better info (here and other places on the web) rather than destroying a working system use it to plan your next machine. then you can sell it (be honest with the "newbie" you sell it to, it's a low end "beginer" system) or donate it to a school or charity, and take a tax write off.

  • #7

Try donating your sysbo/whole computer to a computer class near you...You'll probably even get a tax deduction!

  • #8

I think Ali makes another valid point. Worst -to-worst they replace the parts w/ the exact replacement for the ones you have now. You won't get upgraded & you'll be w/o your pc for a period of time.
This is a lose-lose situation.

  • #10

Keep it and use it to run all of your old games etc. (Dos Based etc.) on that won't work on your new gaming rig. Oh and if your building a new one yourself, make sure u get an AGP port.

  • #14

You can totaly burn your moyher board in stove.

  • #15

I agree with the earlier posts, don't ruin it just because you didn't know what you where buying. Take some lessons from the people here and educate yourself and then when your at the computer store start answering the questions people are asking the sales person before they can answer. Nothing make a sales person madder then telling him he's wrong, then proving he is wrong. Then build yourself a killer rig, Athlon of course, and have some fun.

  • #16

As stated, if you fry it you will only get the same mobo back(or maybe have to pay an upgrade cost if they can't replace original mobo)
It isn't worth the hassle.
I recently fried every component (except ram&cpu converter card)in my system due to a power surge or brown out. look here
And it aint much fun having to use my mums comp (266 Cyrix with a s3 trio 64)
A lot of us get caught out when we're new to computing( I bought a vanta :blush: ).
Now I use Google when I'm thinking of getting new hard/soft ware.
But frying your mobo won't get you any further.If you want to "stick it to 'em" , shop at another store and give them your hard earned.:)

  • #17

all you need to fry your 'puter is heat, oil and a large frying pan....

still sunny.....

  • #18

LMAO everyone is telling him not to burn it and that its inethical for him to fry it just to get back at him, and then good old Jellobones explains to him how to fry it. Beautiful JB :haha: :haha: This made my morning

Anyways, u should keep this monstrous rig as a secondary computer, or use it until you have enough money to build your own rig. That's what i did with my old computer, i didn't get ripped off or anything, but it was time for an upgrade and now i have several computers to use. They come in handy, especially on the RARE occasion that my primary computer is totally screwed up. lol RARE of course, and they wonder where i get my 900 posts from.

  • #19

PS- as i was leaving the thread i noticed that you live in Vancouver. $1000 canadian can get you about half the stuff as $1000 american, so he may have gotten you the best thing he could have for the money. I go to Vancouver frequently, and i will actually be back there within 2 weeks. Where did you go to get your computer?

  • #20

Here's the deal

First, I'll make it clear that I work for Gateway. So I sell computers every day.

At the time that you purchased your computer, it sounds like that was a great deal for the price range that you were given. But one of the major flaws of the computer industry is that we are selling product that we can't give ANY kind of concrete useability projections on. People always ask me, how long before a new system will be outdated? It's hard to give an answer, but rule one is that you never ever say something like '3 years, garunteed.' You simply cannot do this, because of the nature of the computer industry. Especially when it comes to games. Also, few sales people know the real deal about hardware and what they are selling their customer. The guys on my sales team are pretty knowledgeable, but if you go somewhere else, you're lucky if you can get anyone to help you. And even if you do, you more than likely know more about computers than they do.

So now that you've seen what can happen if you get the wrong system, do some research before you purchase a new system. And a lot of computer retailers have financing options available to them. If you qualify, take it and get the system you want. Lastly, keep in mind this: the more money you put into a system when you buy it, the less you put into it later.

  • #22

I understand

Your sales line is not all that different from mine.

All that I'm saying is that GW sales people, in my personal experience as a consumer, are the most professional in the field, at least in my part of the country. And that's why I work here. But there are other retail and specality stores where the staff is much less than personable, to be nice.

And sometimes, customers get the wrong idea about what's being said or what's being reccomended, and then take it as 'I got hosed at Computer Palace and they should pay.' It's unaviodable, but it's a communication issue that will exist as long as the inequities of spoken language get in the way.


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