Easy Kill Mounts to Get With Alliance on Wow
Creature Model Item Type Source Bat Armored
[Armored Bloodwing]
Blizzard Store Bear Simple
[Big Battle Bear]
Trading Card Game: Drums of War Dancing
[Darkmoon Dancing Bear]
Vendor: Lhara in Darkmoon Island during the Darkmoon Faire for 180
. Armored Reins of the Armored Brown Bear (Alliance)
Reins of the Armored Brown Bear (Horde)
Vendor: Mei Francis in Dalaran for 750
. Reins of the Black War Bear (Alliance)
Reins of the Black War Bear (Horde)
[For the Alliance!]
[For the Horde!]
[Reins of the White Polar Bear]
[Hyldnir Spoils] Blizzard
[Big Blizzard Bear]
Promotion: Blizzcon 2008 Amani
[Amani Battle Bear]
Drop: Kasha's Bag, Zul'Aman raid (No longer obtainable).
[Amani War Bear]
Drop: Ashli's Bag Bird Hawk
[Solar Spirehawk]
Drop: Rukhmar (tactics) Rooster
[Magic Rooster Egg]
Trading Card Game rare loot card Raven
[Reins of the Dread Raven]
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Collector's/Digital Deluxe Editions
[Reins of the Raven Lord]
Drop: Anzu, Sethekk Halls (Heroic) Flametalon
[Flametalon of Alysrazor]
Drop: Alysrazor, Firelands Thunder Isle
[Clutch of Ji-Kun]
Drop: Ji-Kun, Throne of Thunder Boar Armored
[Armored Frostboar]
[Advanced Husbandry]
[Giant Coldsnout]
[Invader's Forgotten Treasure]
[Blacksteel Battleboar]
[Guild Glory of the Draenor Raider]
[Frostplains Battleboar]
[Glory of the Draenor Hero] Simple
[Trained Rocktusk]
[40] Boar Training: The Garn
[Domesticated Razorback]
Vendors in Ashran for 5000
[Great Greytusk]
Drop: Gorok Camel Riding
[White Riding Camel]
Trading Card Game rare loot card
[Reins of the Tan Riding Camel]
Vendor: Blacksmith Abasi in Uldum for 100
[Reins of the Brown Riding Camel]
Vendor: Blacksmith Abasi in Uldum for 100
[Reins of the Grey Riding Camel]
Drop: Dormus the Camel-Hoarder Carpet Flying
[Flying Carpet]
Crafted: Tailoring, skill 300
[Magnificent Flying Carpet]
Crafted: Tailoring, skill 425
[Frosty Flying Carpet]
Crafted: Tailoring, skill 425
[Creeping Carpet]
Crafted: Tailoring, skill 700 Chimaera Armored
[Iron Skyreaver]
Blizzard Store Clefthoof Simple
[Trained Icehoof]
[40] Clefthoof Training: The Garn
[Bloodhoof Bull]
Drop: Nakk the Thunderer Armored
[Ironhoof Destroyer]
Drop: Blackhand (tactics), Mythic Cloud Serpent Simple
[Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent]
[25-35] Surprise Attack!
[Reins of the Azure Cloud Serpent]
[10-35] Riding the Skies , Vendor
[Reins of the Jade Cloud Serpent]
[10-35] Riding the Skies , Vendor
[Reins of the Crimson Cloud Serpent]
[Glory of the Pandaria Hero]
[Reins of the Golden Cloud Serpent]
[10-35] Riding the Skies , Vendor Heavenly
[Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent]
Drop: Sha of Anger
[Reins of the Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent]
[Glory of the Pandaria Raider]
[Reins of the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent]
Vendor: Mistweaver Ku on Timeless Isle for 100000
. Thundering
[Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent]
[Guild Glory of the Pandaria Raider]
[Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent]
Drop: Huolon
[Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent]
Drop: Alani
[Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent]
Vendors in Vale of Eternal Blossoms for 10000
[Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent]
Drop: Nalak Gladiator
[Malevolent Gladiator's Cloud Serpent]
Reward: Arena Season 12
[Tyrannical Gladiator's Cloud Serpent]
Reward: Arena Season 13
[Grievous Gladiator's Cloud Serpent]
Reward: Arena Season 14
[Prideful Gladiator's Cloud Serpent]
Reward: Arena Season 15 Astral
[Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent]
Drop: Cache of Pure Energy Core Hound Simple
[Core Hound Chain]
[Boldly, You Sought the Power of Ragnaros] Crane Riding
[Reins of the Azure Riding Crane]
Vendor: Jaluu the Generous in Vale of Eternal Blossoms for 500
[Reins of the Golden Riding Crane]
Vendor: Jaluu the Generous in Vale of Eternal Blossoms for 2500
[Reins of the Regal Riding Crane]
Vendor: Jaluu the Generous in Vale of Eternal Blossoms for 1500
. Direhorns Simple
[Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn]
Vendor: Hiren Loresong on the Isle of Thunder for 3000
[Reins of the Crimson Primal Direhorn]
Vendor: Vasarin Redmorn on the Isle of Thunder for 3000
[Spawn of Horridon]
Drop: Horridon, Throne of Thunder
[Reins of the Jade Primordial Direhorn]
Drop: Zandalari Warbringer
[Reins of the Slate Primordial Direhorn]
Drop: Zandalari Warbringer
[Reins of the Amber Primordial Direhorn]
Drop: Zandalari Warbringer
[Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn]
Drop: Oondasta Disc Simple
[Disc of the Red Flying Cloud]
Vendor: Tan Shin Tiao in Vale of Eternal Blossoms for 600
. Dragonhawk Simple
[Red Dragonhawk]
[Mountain o' Mounts]
[Blue Dragonhawk]
[Mountain o' Mounts]
[Armored Red Dragonhawk]
[Mount Parade]
[Armored Blue Dragonhawk]
[Mount Parade]
[Amani Dragonhawk]
Trading Card Game rare loot card
[Sunreaver Dragonhawk]
Vendor: Vasarin Redmorn in Icecrown for 150
. Drake Simple
[Reins of the Bronze Drake]
Drop: Infinite Corruptor, Culling of Stratholme
[Reins of the Blue Drake]
Drop: Alexstrasza's Gift,
[Cache of the Ley-Guardian]
[Reins of the Red Drake]
Vendor: Cielstrasza in Dragonblight for 2000
[Reins of the Black Drake]
Drop: Sartharion, 10-man
[Reins of the Emerald Drake]
[Awake the Drakes]
[Reins of the Albino Drake]
[Leading the Cavalry]
[Reins of the Twilight Drake]
Drop: Sartharion, 25-man
[Reins of the Azure Drake]
Drop: Alexstrasza's Gift, Eye of Eternity
[Mottled Drake]
Trading Card Game rare loot card
[Experiment 12-B]
Drop: Lesser Cache of the Aspects, Ultraxion Alexstrazian
[Life-Binder's Handmaiden]
Drop: Elementium Fragment, Madness of Deathwing (Heroic)
[Reins of the Twilight Harbinger]
[Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider]
[Reins of the Blazing Drake]
Drop: Elementium Fragment, Madness of Deathwing (Normal and Heroic) Onyxian
[Reins of the Onyxian Drake]
Drop: Onyxia (tactics) Fel
Trading Card Game rare loot card Aspect
[Heart of the Aspects]
Blizzard Store Gladiator
[Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake]
Arena Season 9
[Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake]
Arena Season 10
[Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake]
Arena Season 11 Elekk Simple
[Brown Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 1
[Gray Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 1
[Purple Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 1
[Summon Exarch's Elekk]
Any Paladin class trainer. Draenei-only.
[Trained Meadowstomper]
[40] Elekk Training: The Garn
[Shadowhide Pearltusk]
[Invader's Forgotten Treasure]
[Dusty Rockhide]
Vendor: Vindicator Nuurem in Stormshield for 5000
[Mottled Meadowstomper]
Drop: Luk'hok Armored
[Great Blue Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 10
[Great Green Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 10
[Great Purple Elekk]
Vendor: Torallius the Pack Handler in The Exodar for 10
[Reins of the Black War Elekk]
Vendor: Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind City for 2000
[Great Red Elekk]
Vendor: Irisee in Icecrown for 500
[Exodar Elekk]
Vendor: Irisee in Icecrown for 100
[Summon Great Exarch's Elekk]
Any Paladin class trainer. Draenei-only.
[Armored Irontusk]
Vendor: Maaria in Garrison for 5000
. Elemental Drake Stone
[Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake]
Drop: Aeonaxx
[Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake]
Drop: Slabhide, The Stonecore
[Reins of the Volcanic Stone Drake]
[Glory of the Cataclysm Hero]
[Vial of the Sands]
[Recipe: Vial of the Sands] , Archaeology Wind
[Reins of the Drake of the East Wind]
[Glory of the Cataclysm Raider]
[Reins of the Drake of the North Wind]
Drop: Altairus, The Vortex Pinnacle
[Reins of the Drake of the West Wind]
Vendors on Tol Barad Peninsula for 200
[Reins of the Drake of the South Wind]
Drop: Heart of Wind, Throne of the Four Winds Feline Saber
[Reins of the Striped Nightsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 1
[Reins of the Striped Dawnsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 1
[Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 1
[Reins of the Striped Frostsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 1
[Reins of the Ancient Frostsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus (No longer obtainable).
[Reins of the Nightsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus (No longer obtainable).
[Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber]
[15-30] They Grow Up So Fast
[Swift Zulian Panther]
Drop: High Priestess Kilnara, Zul'Gurub Armored Saber
[Swift Zulian Tiger]
Originally dropped: High Priest Thekal, Zul'Gurub (Classic) (Can be found on BMAH).
[Reins of the Black War Tiger]
Vendor: Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind City for 2000
[Reins of the Swift Stormsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 10
[Reins of the Swift Mistsaber]
Vendor: Lelanai in Darnassus for 10
[Swift Moonsaber]
Vendor: Irisee in Icecrown for 500
[Reins of the Swift Frostsaber]
Vendor: Rook Hawkfist in Darnassus for 10
[Darnassian Nightsaber]
Vendor: Rook Hawkfist in Icecrown for 100
[Reins of the Vicious Warsaber]
Achievement: Winning 40 RBGs/100 3v3 Arena battles in Season 14. Riding Tiger
[Reins of the Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger]
Vendor: Rushi the Fox in Townlong Steppes for 500
[Reins of the Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger]
Vendor: Rushi the Fox in Townlong Steppes for 2500
[Reins of the Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger]
Vendor: Rushi the Fox in Townlong Steppes for 1500
. Jewelcrafted
[Sunstone Panther]
Jewelcrafting design from San Redscale.
[Jade Panther]
Jewelcrafting design from San Redscale.
[Ruby Panther]
Jewelcrafting design from San Redscale.
[Sapphire Panther]
Jewelcrafting design from San Redscale.
[Jeweled Onyx Panther]
Jewelcrafting design from San Redscale. Golden King
[Reins of the Golden King]
[Guild Level 25] , Vendors Winged Guardian
[Winged Guardian]
Blizzard Store Nightwing
[Heart of the Nightwing]
Blizzard Store Spectral
[Reins of the Spectral Tiger]
Trading Card Game: Fires of Outland
[Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger]
Trading Card Game: Fires of Outland Fey Dragon Simple
[Enchanted Fey Dragon]
Blizzard Store Firehawk Simple
[Corrupted Egg of Millagazor]
[Glory of the Firelands Raider]
[Smoldering Egg of Millagazor]
Cache of the Firelord, Firelands
[Felfire Hawk]
[Mountacular] Frostwyrm Frostbrood
[Reins of the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher]
[Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)]
[Reins of the Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher]
[Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player)] Gladiator
[Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm]
Arena Season 5
[Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm]
Arena Season 6
[Relentless Gladiator's Frost Wyrm]
Arena Season 7
[Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm]
Arena Season 8 Goat Riding
[Reins of the Brown Riding Goat]
Vendor: Gina Mudclaw in Valley of the Four Winds for 500
[Reins of the Black Riding Goat]
Vendor: Gina Mudclaw in Valley of the Four Winds for 1500
[Reins of the White Riding Goat]
Vendor: Gina Mudclaw in Valley of the Four Winds for 3250
. Golem Simple
[Sky Golem]
[Schematic: Chief Engineer Jard's Journal] Gronn Simple
[Gorestrider Gronnling]
[Glory of the Draenor Raider]
[Sunhide Gronnling]
Drop: Poundfist Gryphons Simple
[Ebon Gryphon]
Vendors for 50
[Snowy Gryphon]
Vendors for 50
[Golden Gryphon]
Vendors for 50
. Armored
[Armored Snowy Gryphon]
Vendor: Mei Francis in Dalaran for 2000
[Swift Blue Gryphon]
Vendors for 100
[Swift Green Gryphon]
Vendors for 100
[Swift Purple Gryphon]
Vendors for 100
[Swift Red Gryphon]
Vendors for 100
. Grand
[Grand Gryphon]
[15-35] The Silence Grand Armored
[Grand Armored Gryphon]
Vendor: Agent Malley in Krasarang Wilds for 2000
. Spectral
[Spectral Gryphon]
[Spectral Mount Crate] , Scroll of Resurrection Skeletal
[Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade]
Vendor: Dread Commander Thalanor in Eastern Plaguelands for 1000
. Death Knight-only. Hawkstrider Simple
[Red Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 1
[Black Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 1
[Blue Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 1
[Purple Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 1
. Armored
[Swift Purple Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 10
[Swift Pink Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 10
[Swift Green Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Winaestra in Eversong Woods for 10
[Swift Warstrider]
Vendor: Raider Bork in Orgrimmar for 2000
[Swift White Hawkstrider]
Drop: Kael'thas Sunstrider (Magisters' Terrace tactics) (Heroic)
[Sunreaver Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Vasarin Redmorn in Icecrown for 100
[Swift Red Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Trellis Morningsun in Icecrown for 500
[Silvermoon Hawkstrider]
Vendor: Trellis Morningsun in Icecrown for 100
. Helicopter Simple
[Flying Machine]
Engineering trainers, Skill 300. Engineer-only mount. Turbo
[Turbo-Charged Flying Machine]
Engineering trainers, Skill 300. Engineer-only mount. Mimiron
[Mimiron's Head]
Drop: Yogg-Saron, 25-man, no active Watchers. Hippogryphs Armored
[Argent Hippogryph]
Vendors in Icecrown for 150
[Cenarion War Hippogryph]
Vendor: Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh for 2000
[Silver Covenant Hippogryph]
Vendor: Hiren Loresong in Icecrown for 150
. Blazing
[Blazing Hippogryph]
Trading Card Game: Wrathgate Corrupted
[Corrupted Hippogryph]
Trading Card Game: Crown of the Heavens Emerald
[Emerald Hippogryph]
Recruit-A-Friend Flameward
[Flameward Hippogryph]
[The Molten Front Offensive] Horse Simple
[Black Stallion Bridle]
Vendors in Stormwind City and Wetlands for 1
[Brown Horse Bridle]
Various Vendors for 1
[Chestnut Mare Bridle]
Various Vendors for 1
[Pinto Bridle]
Various Vendors for 1
[White Stallion Bridle]
Vendor: Erma in Elwynn Forest (No longer obtainable).
[Palomino Bridle]
Vendor: Erma in Elwynn Forest (No longer obtainable). Armored
[Swift Palomino]
Various Vendors for 10
[Black War Steed Bridle]
Vendor: Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind City for 2000
[Swift Brown Steed]
Various Vendors for 10
[Swift White Steed]
Various Vendors for 10
[Swift Gray Steed]
Vendor: Corporal Arthur Flew in Icecrown for 500
[Stormwind Steed]
Vendor: Corporal Arthur Flew in Icecrown for 100
[Swift Alliance Steed]
Argent Crusade Tribute Chest, Trial of the Grand Crusader 10-man, 50 attempts Mountain
[Mountain Horse]
Vendor: Astrid Langstrump in Darnassus for 1
[Swift Mountain Horse]
Vendor: Astrid Langstrump in Darnassus for 10
. Vicious
[Reins of the Vicious War Steed]
Achievement: Winning 75/150/300 rated battlegrounds. Spectral
[Reins of the Spectral Steed]
Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie on Tol Barad Peninsula for 165
. Warhorse
[Summon Warhorse]
Human/Dwarf paladin-only, learnt at level 20.
[Summon Thalassian Warhorse]
Blood Elf paladin-only, learnt at level 20.
[Argent Warhorse]
Vendor: Dame Evniki Kapsalis in Icecrown for 100
. Charger
[Summon Charger]
Human/Dwarf paladin-only, learnt at level 40.
[Summon Thalassian Charger]
Blood Elf paladin-only, learnt at level 40.
[Argent Charger]
Vendor: Dame Evniki Kapsalis in Icecrown for 100
. Paladin-only, must have Crusader (title). Crusader
[Crusader's Black Warhorse]
[A Tribute to Immortality] , Horde-only.
[Crusader's White Warhorse]
[A Tribute to Immortality] , Alliance-only. Tyrael
[Tyrael's Charger]
Annual Pass Invincible
[Invincible's Reins]
Drop: Lich King (tactics), 25-man (Heroic) Celestial
[Celestial Steed]
Blizzard Store Nightmare
Warlock trainers, level 20. Armored Nightmare
Warlock trainers, level 40. Horned Steed
[Swift Zhevra]
[Quel'dorei Steed]
Vendor: Hiren Loresong in Icecrown for 100
. Deathcharger
[Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger]
[30] Mograine's Reunion
[Acherus Deathcharger]

[8-30] Into The Realm of Shadows , Death Knight-only. Fiery Undead
[Fiery Warhorse's Reins]
Drop: Attumen the Huntsman, Karazhan Horseman Undead
[The Horseman's Reins]
[Loot-Filled Pumpkin] , Hallow's End Hearthsteed
Hearthstone Promotion Warforged
[Warforged Nightmare]
Blizzard Store Kite Simple
[Jade Pandaren Kite String]
[We're Going to Need More Saddles]
[Pandaren Kite String]
[Pandaren Kite String]
[Pandaren Ambassador] Kodo Simple
[White Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 1
[Brown Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 1
[Gray Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 1
[Green Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore (No longer obtainable).
[Teal Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore (No longer obtainable). Armored
[Great White Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 10
[Great Brown Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 10
[Great Gray Kodo]
Vendor: Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore for 10
[Great Brewfest Kodo]
[Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest] , Brewfest
[Thunder Bluff Kodo]
Vendor: Doru Thunderhorn in Icecrown for 100
[Great Golden Kodo]
Vendor: Doru Thunderhorn in Icecrown for 500
[Black War Kodo]
Vendor: Raider Bork in Orgrimmar for 2000
[Vicious War Kodo]
Vendor: Deathguard Netharian in Orgrimmar for
[Vicious Saddle] . Sunwalker
[Summon Sunwalker Kodo]
Tauren paladin-only, learnt at level 20. Great Sunwalker
[Summon Great Sunwalker Kodo]
Tauren paladin-only, level 40. Requires
[Summon Sunwalker Kodo] and Journeyman Riding. Mammoth Simple Reins of the Wooly Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Wooly Mammoth (Horde)
Vendor: Mei Francis in Dalaran for 2175
. Reins of the Black War Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Black War Mammoth (Horde)
Sold by Knight Dameron/Stone Guard Mukar in Wintergrasp for 2000 HP. Reins of the Ice Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Ice Mammoth (Horde)
Vendor: Lillehoff in The Storm Peaks for 1000
. Grand Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (Horde)
Vendor: Mei Francis in Dalaran for 20000
. Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth (Horde)
Drop: All bosses in Vault of Archavon. Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth (Alliance)
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth (Horde)
Vendor: Lillehoff in The Storm Peaks for 10000
. Mechanostrider Simple
[Unpainted Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 1
[Blue Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 1
[Red Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 1
[Green Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 1
[Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A]
Old epic model (No longer obtainable).
[White Mechanostrider Mod B]
Old epic model (No longer obtainable). Armored
Vendor: Rillie Spindlenut in Icecrown for 500
[Gnomeregan Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Rillie Spindlenut in Icecrown for 100
[Black Battlestrider]
Vendor: Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind City for 2000
[Swift Yellow Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 10
[Swift Green Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 10
[Swift White Mechanostrider]
Vendor: Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh for 10
. Motorcycle Azeroth Chopper
[Champion's Treadblade]
Vendor: Paulie in Stormwind for 100000
[Warlord's Deathwheel]
[Warlord's Deathwheel] Bike
[Mekgineer's Chopper]
[Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper]
[Schematic: Mechano-Hog] Trike
[Goblin Trike Key]
Vendor: Kall Worthaton in Orgrimmar for 1
[Goblin Turbo-Trike Key]
Vendor: Kall Worthaton in Orgrimmar for 10
. Mushan Simple
[Son of Galleon's Saddle]
Drop: Galleon
[Brawler's Burly Mushan Beast]
Vendors: Paul North/Quackenbush for 1500
[Reins of the Ashhide Mushan Beast]
Vendor: Speaker Gulan on Timeless Isle for 200
. Nether Drake Simple
[Reins of the Onyx Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward.
[Reins of the Azure Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward.
[Reins of the Veridian Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward.
[Reins of the Purple Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward.
[Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward.
[Reins of the Cobalt Netherwing Drake]
Vendor: Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley for 200
; Quest reward. Gladiator
[Swift Nether Drake]
Arena Season 1
[Merciless Nether Drake]
Arena Season 2
[Vengeful Nether Drake]
Arena Season 3
[Brutal Nether Drake]
Arena Season 4 Nether Ray Simple
[Purple Riding Nether Ray]
Vendor: Grella in Terokkar Forest for 200
[Green Riding Nether Ray]
Vendor: Grella in Terokkar Forest for 200
[Blue Riding Nether Ray]
Vendor: Grella in Terokkar Forest for 200
[Silver Riding Nether Ray]
Vendor: Grella in Terokkar Forest for 200
[Red Riding Nether Ray]
Vendor: Grella in Terokkar Forest for 200
. Phoenix Elemental
[Ashes of Al'ar]
Drop: Kael'thas Sunstrider (tactics), The Eye Armored
[Reins of the Dark Phoenix]
[Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider] Pandaren
[Reins of the Violet Pandaren Phoenix]
[Challenge Conqueror: Silver] -
[Ancestral Phoenix Egg]
[Reins of the Emerald Pandaren Phoenix]
[Challenge Conqueror: Silver] -
[Ancestral Phoenix Egg]
[Reins of the Crimson Pandaren Phoenix]
[Challenge Conqueror: Silver] -
[Ancestral Phoenix Egg]
[Reins of the Ashen Pandaren Phoenix]
[Challenge Conqueror: Silver] -
[Ancestral Phoenix Egg] Proto-Drake Simple
[Reins of the Red Proto-Drake]
[Glory of the Hero]
[Reins of the Black Proto-Drake]
[Glory of the Raider (25 player)] (no longer obtainable).
[Reins of the Plagued Proto-Drake]
[Glory of the Raider (10 player)] (no longer obtainable).
[Reins of the Green Proto-Drake]
[Mysterious Egg] , The Oracles
[Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake]
Drop: Skadi the Ruthless, Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic)
[Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake]
Drop: Time-Lost Proto-Drake
[Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake]
Achievement: What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been
[Reins of Galakras]
[Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider] Metal
[Reins of the Ironbound Proto-Drake]
[Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player)]
[Reins of the Rusted Proto-Drake]
[Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player)] Quilen Simple
[Imperial Quilen] World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Ram Simple
[Brown Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 1
[Gray Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 1
[White Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 1
[Black Ram]
Original epic ram mount (No longer obtainable).
[Brewfest Ram]
Sold by vendors during Brewfest for 10
[Frost Ram]
Original epic ram mount (No longer obtainable). Armored
[Swift Violet Ram]
Vendor: Derrick Brindlebeard in Icecrown for 500
[Swift Brewfest Ram]
[Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest] , Brewfest
[Swift Brown Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 10
[Swift Gray Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 10
[Swift White Ram]
Vendor: Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh for 10
[Black War Ram]
Vendor: Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind City for 2000
[Stormpike Battle Charger]
Sold by vendors in Alterac Valley/Hillsbrad Foothills for 2000
[Ironforge Ram]
Vendor: Derrick Brindlebeard in Icecrown for 100
[Vicious War Ram]
Achievement: Winning 40 RBGs/100 3v3 Arena battles in Warlords Season 1. Raptor Simple
[Whistle of the Emerald Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 1
[Savage Raptor]
Trading Card Game: War of the Elements
[Whistle of the Turquoise Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 1
[Whistle of the Violet Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 1
[Whistle of the Venomhide Ravasaur]
[15-30] They Grow Up So Fast
[Whistle of the Ivory Raptor]
Original epic raptor mount (No longer obtainable).
[Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor]
Original epic raptor mount (No longer obtainable).
[Reins of the Black Primal Raptor]
[Primal Egg]
[Reins of the Red Primal Raptor]
[Primal Egg]
[Reins of the Green Primal Raptor]
[Primal Egg]
[Reins of the Bone-White Primal Raptor]
[35] A Mountain of Giant Dinosaur Bones Armored
[Swift Blue Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 10
[Armored Razzashi Raptor]
Drop: Bloodlord Mandokir, Zul'Gurub
[Swift Razzashi Raptor]
Originally dropped: Bloodlord Mandokir (Classic), Zul'Gurub (Classic) (Can be found on BMAH).
[Whistle of the Black War Raptor]
Vendor: Raider Bork in Orgrimmar for 2000
[Swift Orange Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 10
[Swift Purple Raptor]
Vendor: Samamba in Icecrown for 500
[Swift Olive Raptor]
Vendor: Zjolnir in Durotar for 10
[Darkspear Raptor]
Vendor: Samamba in Icecrown for 100
[Vicious War Raptor]
Achievement: Winning 40 RBGs/100 3v3 Arena battles in Warlords Season 1. Skeletal
[Fossilized Raptor]
Archaeology, Rare Fossil Artifact Ravager Simple
[Grinning Reaver]
Blizzard Store Rhino Simple
[Wooly White Rhino]
Trading Card Game: Icecrown Riverbeast Simple
[Trained Riverwallow]
[40] Riverbeast Training: The Garn
[Mosshide Riverwallow]
Vendors in Ashran for 50000
[Sapphire Riverbeast]
Drop: Silthide Rockets Simple
[X-51 Nether-Rocket]
Trading Card Game: Servants of the Betrayer
[X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME]
Trading Card Game: Servants of the Betrayer
[X-45 Heartbreaker]
[Heart-Shaped Box] , Love is in the Air Spinner
[Geosynchronous World Spinner]
(Gnome) Engineering trainers Kyparium
[Depleted-Kyparium Rocket]
(Goblin) Engineering trainers Touring
[X-53 Touring Rocket]
Recruit-A-Friend Scorpion Simple
[Reins of the Amber Scorpion]
Vendor: Ambersmith Zikk in Dread Wastes for 10000
[Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator]
[Guild Level 25] , Vendors Mechanical
[Kor'kron Juggernaut]
Drop: Garrosh Hellscream, Siege of Orgrimmar (Heroic) Seahorse Simple
[Vashj'ir Seahorse]
[30-35] The Abyssal Ride
[Reins of Poseidus]
Drop: Poseidus Silithid Tank
[Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal]
[60] Bang a Gong! (No longer obtainable)
[Scepter of Azj'Aqir]
Archaeology, Rare Tol'vir artifact
[Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal]
Drop: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
[Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal]
Drop: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
[Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal]
Drop: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
[Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal]
Drop: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Skeletal Horse Simple
[Black Skeletal Horse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 1
[Blue Skeletal Horse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 1
[Red Skeletal Horse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 1
[Brown Skeletal Horse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 1
. Armored
[Deathcharger's Reins]
Drop: Lord Aurius Rivendare, Stratholme
[Ochre Skeletal Warhorse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 10
[Green Skeletal Warhorse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 10
[Purple Skeletal Warhorse]
Vendor: Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades for 10
[Red Skeletal Warhorse]
Vendor: Raider Bork in Orgrimmar for 2000
[Forsaken Warhorse]
Vendor: Eliza Killian in Icecrown for 100
[White Skeletal Warhorse]
Vendor: Eliza Killian in Icecrown for 500
[Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse]
Achievement: Winning 40 RBGs/100 3v3 Arena battles in Season 14. Spectral
[Ghastly Charger's Skull]
Trading Card Game: Betrayal of the Guardian Skyscreamer Simple
[Reins of the Armored Skyscreamer]
[Glory of the Thundering Raider] Talbuk Riding
[Reins of the Dark Riding Talbuk]
Sold by Halaa vendors for 70
[Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 70
[Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 70
[Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 70
[Reins of the White Riding Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 70
[Trained Silverpelt]
[40] Talbuk Training: The Garn
[Breezestrider Stallion]
Vendor: Dazzerian in Warspear for 5000
[Pale Thorngrazer]
Vendor: Crafticus Mindbender in Stormshield for 5000
[Shadowmane Charger]
Vendors in Ashran for 5000
[Swift Breezestrider]
Drop: Pathrunner War
[Reins of the Dark War Talbuk]
Sold by Halaa vendors for 100
[Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 100
[Reins of the Silver War Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 100
[Reins of the Tan War Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 100
[Reins of the White War Talbuk]
Vendor: Provisioner Nasela/Trader Narasu in Nagrand for 100
. Tallstrider Simple
[Swift Springstrider]
Noblegarden Vendors during Noblegarden for 500
[Noblegarden Chocolate] .
[Swift Lovebird]
Lovely Merchant during Love is in the Air for 270
[Love Token] .
[Swift Forest Strider]
Vendor: Lhara during Darkmoon Faire for 180
[Swift Shorestrider]
Trading Card Game: Throne of the Tides Turtle Simple
[Riding Turtle]
Trading Card Game loot card
[Sea Turtle]
Drop: WotLK, Cata and MoP fishing pools Dragon
[Reins of the Black Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
[Reins of the Blue Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
[Reins of the Brown Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
[Reins of the Green Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
[Reins of the Purple Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
[Reins of the Red Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 1
. Great Dragon
[Reins of the Great Black Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
[Reins of the Great Blue Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
[Reins of the Great Brown Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
[Reins of the Great Green Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
[Reins of the Great Purple Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
[Reins of the Great Red Dragon Turtle]
Sold by vendors in Orgrimmar/Stormwind City for 10
. Water Strider Simple
[Reins of the Azure Water Strider]
Vendor: Nat Pagle in Krasarang Wilds for 5000
[Reins of the Crimson Water Strider]
Vendor: Nat Pagle in Garrison for 100
[Nat's Lucky Coin] . Windsteed Simple
[Swift Windsteed]
Blizzard Store Wolf Simple
[Horn of the Timber Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 1
[Horn of the Brown Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 1
[Horn of the Black Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 1
[Horn of the Dire Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 1
[Horn of the Arctic Wolf]
Original epic wolf mount (No longer obtainable).
[Horn of the Red Wolf]
Original epic wolf mount (No longer obtainable).
[Smoky Direwolf]
[Invader's Forgotten Treasure]
[Riding Harness]
Crafted: Leatherworking, skill 700
[Swift Frostwolf]
Vendor: Beska Redtusk in Warspear for 5000
[Garn Nighthowl]
Drop: Nok-Karosh Armored
[Armored Frostwolf]
[The Stable Master]
[Garn Steelmaw]
[Invader's Forgotten Treasure]
[Ironside Warwolf]
Vendor: Kil'rip in Garrison for 5000
[Trained Snarler]
[40] Wolf Training: The Garn
[Swift Horde Wolf]
Argent Crusade Tribute Chest, Trial of the Grand Crusader 10-man, 50 attempts (No longer obtainable).
[Orgrimmar Wolf]
Vendor: Freka Bloodaxe in Icecrown for 100
[Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 10
[Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 10
[Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf]
Vendor: Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar for 10
[Swift Burgundy Wolf]
Vendor: Freka Bloodaxe in Icecrown for 500
[Horn of the Black War Wolf]
Vendor: Raider Bork in Orgrimmar for 2000
[Horn of the Frostwolf Howler]
Sold by vendors in Alterac Valley/Hillsbrad Foothills for 2000
[Reins of the Kor'kron War Wolf]
Achievement:Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (10 and 25-man) Vicious
[Horn of the Vicious War Wolf]
Achievement: Winning 75/150/300 rated battlegrounds. Spectral
[Reins of the Spectral Wolf]
Vendor: Pogg on Tol Barad Peninsula for 165
. Wyvern Simple
[Tawny Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Blue Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Green Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
. Armored
[Swift Yellow Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Swift Red Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Swift Purple Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Swift Green Wind Rider]
Vendors for 50
[Armored Blue Wind Rider]
Vendor: Mei Francis in Dalaran for 2000
. Grand
[Grand Wyvern]
[15-35] Breath of Darkest Shadow Grand Armored
[Grand Armored Wyvern]
Vendor: Tuskripper Grukna in Krasarang Wilds for 2000
. Spectral
[Spectral Wind Rider]
[Spectral Mount Crate] , Scroll of Resurrection Yak Riding
[Reins of the Blonde Riding Yak]
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket in Kun-Lai Summit for 3,000
[Reins of the Grey Riding Yak]
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket in Kun-Lai Summit for 3,000
. Grand Expedition
[Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak]
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket in Kun-Lai Summit for 120,000
. Yeti Riding
[Challenger's War Yeti]
[Challenge Warlord: Silver]

Reins of the Armored Brown Bear (Horde)

Reins of the Black War Bear (Horde)


Reins of the Wooly Mammoth (Horde)

Reins of the Black War Mammoth (Horde)

Reins of the Ice Mammoth (Horde)

Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (Horde)

Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth (Horde)

Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth (Horde)

Source: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_mounts
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